Why Dev Diagnostic Centre

Same-day appointments and results are available, reducing the stress of long wait times. Dev Diagnostic offers affordable services using the latest advanced technology.

About Us

Revolutionizing Medical Diagnosis with Advanced Technology and Trusted Accreditation

Dev Diagnostic Centre offers a full range of medical imaging services, including MRI, CT, Ultrasound, X-Ray, and Arthrography, ensuring accurate diagnosis, safety, and comfort.

At a fraction of the hospital cost.

Our center’s contracted fees are 50-75% lower than average hospital rates, helping patients save money for post-imaging care and treatments. We are committed to providing high-quality diagnostic services at affordable prices, ensuring accessibility without compromising accuracy or patient comfort.

With state-of-the-art technology and a patient-first approach, we make medical imaging both cost-effective and convenient.

Our Practice

Dev Diagnostic Centre combines the best, and latest technology with the expertise and accreditation of Dr. Dev Vrat Maan.  Your health and peace of mind are paramount to our practice. At Dev Diagnostic Centre, you will feel comfortable and welcomed, and you will leave knowing you will get the results right away at a price you can afford.

Dr. Dev Vrat Maan

MBBS, DMRD Is Our Medical Director And Consultant Radiologist
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